Cherry Optical, Inc utilizes top of the line equipment to ensure the most accurate images for proper edging and fit. We are currently operating four GT-5000 tracers. These machines employ the swing function which provides the correct base curve for the frame every time. This skill is extremely helpful with specialty sunglass frames. (
Don’t forget National Sunglasses Day – June 27th!) The GT-5000 tracers also trace patterns and lenses for drill and groove jobs. With the help of these instruments, Cherry Optical, Inc can trace about one hundred jobs per hour with precise imagery. Each machine is calibrated and tested three times a day to ensure proper measurements at all times.
For those out of the ordinary requests, we also have the ability to manipulate and provide special shapes. Our skilled craftsmen have the knowledge and experience to change eye sizes, add to B measurements, and even rotate images to ensure proper axis and shape. At Cherry Optical, Inc you get the real deal! We challenge you to send your toughest jobs; we're confident you'll be impressed.