Something Great is Headed from Italy to Cherry Optical, Inc!
On its way from Italy to Green Bay, we are upgrading one of our Mei 641s with automated loading/unloading.

We are currently running one manual and one automated Mei 641. Check out our new video highlighting the benefits of these machines and get ready for improved turn-around times.
Mei lens milling is a revolutionary technology that will forever change the way lenses are cut to be assembled into eyeglass frames. With Mei, we now utilize a series of different milling cutters to perfectly shape and bevel the lens edge and surfaces versus the old technology of grinding a lens to shape

- The Mei machines receive the data from the LMS via the barcode on the job-tray.
- A skilled finish laboratory Optician has already “programmed” the job with the correct bevel type and position.
- A quick rough cut gets the lens close to the final shape.
- A “tracing step” measures the exact lens curvature and thickness. Then the machine uses those readings programs where to put the finished edge process.
- Depending upon the type of job and material, the Mei machine will move the lens to the appropriate tool for processing.
- Hide-a-bevel
- Groove
- Drill
- Polishing
- Pin-Bevel
- Upon completion of the cutting steps, nearly 100% of lenses are ready to be directly assembled into the eyeglass frame.