Leveraging Our Brand & You Can Too
Leveraging the Cherry Optical, Inc Brand
A quote from Wendy Salle continues to resonate with us; “A customer is not dependent on us; we are dependent on them. A customer is not an interruption of our work. He is the reason for it.” This is a powerful statement on its own, and consistently implementing this mentality relates back to our brand in a big way. At Cherry Optical, Inc we believe we are all in this together, so let’s get to know one another better.
Our customers, competitors, and partners have helped shape us into who we are today and we’re better for it. At Cherry Optical, Inc, we tend to steer away from attacking our competition, instead, we embrace them. We’re an independent, family owned, optical laboratory that is proud of who we are. Rather than smearing the name of our competitors, we do our best to learn from them. However, that’s not where the studying stops. In order to have a comprehensive view of the industry we believe we need all related opinions. Therefore, education is something we both encourage and continue to sponsor on a regular basis as part of our brand. We are continually looking for ways to assist in the education of our customers, the public, and our peers. Cherry Optical, Inc’s What’s New University, which will be held at Lambeau Field on Marc
At Cherry Optical, Inc our doors are always open and we’d like you to take advantage of this policy. We’re excited to keep getting to know our partners better as they are the reasons we are here. Please join us for a tour to see how we have streamlined lens production for your patients. To set up a tour, please reach out to our Customer Service team or utilize our “Contact Us Form”.