Kim Locket: All In
- HR Manager
- 15-years with Cherry Optical, Inc
- ABO (American Board of Opticianry) Certified
What Do You Do For Cherry Optical, Inc?
My job is to make sure the right employees are recruited, hired, and trained. However, my HR duties are not full time, so I also get to work in accounts receivable and Cherry’s customer service department.What Does It Take To Be A Successful Employee At Cherry Optical, Inc?
It takes dedication and respect. You have to care about what you are doing.What Are The Biggest Challenges You Face As A Team?
Competing with Wal-Mart and Lens Crafters -- there are cheaper products out there, but they are not of the same advanced technology and high quality our customers are accustomed to receiving.What Do You Like Most About Your Job?
I enjoy working with my family. When I was seventeen, I couldn’t wait to get away from my parents, but now it’s hard to imagine not seeing them every day. I’m fortunate because it’s not something everyone gets to experience.What Did You Want To Be When You Grew Up?
I wanted to be a writer. If I had my diaries from my teenage years, my novel would already be done.What Do You Enjoy Doing In Your Spare Time?
I like to play poker, and I have two young girls, ages 11 and 7, who keep me very busy.What Inspires You?
It is incredibly satisfying to be part of a family business that continues to grow. Cherry Optical turned into something bigger than we ever imagined.What Celebrity Or Historical Figure Wears Or Has Worn Glasses Best?
Elton John [caption id="attachment_1367" align="aligncenter" width="235"]